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Nombre de messages : 560
Age : 35
Adress : n° -00.23/51 ,3in 7arouda, Zouagha ,agadir, Botswana
Emploi/loisirs : Isla7 al3ajalat / Attwab
Lieu D'etude : circuits electroniques
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2007

Performance.Tuning.and.Optimizing.ASP.Dot.NET.Applications Empty
MessageSujet: Performance.Tuning.and.Optimizing.ASP.Dot.NET.Applications   Performance.Tuning.and.Optimizing.ASP.Dot.NET.Applications Icon_minitimeSam 26 Jan - 8:43

Intermediate to experienced developers, who are either working on an ASP.NET development project or are about to start one, will find this book helpful for its concise informations for optimal performance.

Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications is targeted at developers who want to optimize the performance of their ASP.NET applications in the production environment. Currently, the market is being flooded with a slew of books on how to write .NET applications, but no ther title is exclusively devoted to the more advanced topic of tuning and optimizing ASP.NET applications.

Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications avoids basic language tutorials and dives right into how to architect and develop your ASP.NET applications for optimal performance. The book aims to provide the reader with a strong conceptual understanding of performance metrics and issues, combined with a strong toolset of how to develop for performance, and how to monitor and address performance issues. The book covers specific development issues that arise in common server architectures, such as Web farms.

The book also covers the tools that are available for monitoring and tuning ASP.NET performance, including a thorough review of Microsoft Application Center Test. You will learn how to run tests, interpret the results, and run capacity calculations. You will also learn how to script tests using the ACT API. Overall, this book aims to provide the intermediate to advanced developer with clear guidance on how to raise the performance of their ASP.NET applications to the next level.

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