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 Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي&

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 560
Age : 35
Adress : n° -00.23/51 ,3in 7arouda, Zouagha ,agadir, Botswana
Emploi/loisirs : Isla7 al3ajalat / Attwab
Lieu D'etude : circuits electroniques
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2007

Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي& Empty
MessageSujet: Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي&   Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي& Icon_minitimeDim 4 Nov - 19:03

Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي& Sahih_al_bukhari

صحيح البخاري

Sunni view of al-Bukhari
Sunni view this as their most trusted collections, calling it "The most authentic book after the Holy Qur'an"

Sunni Muslims believe that al-Bukhari spent sixteen years collecting and writing down those traditions he thought trustworthy. They recount that Bukhari collected over 300,000 hadith [3] and transmitted only 2,602 traditions that he believed to be Sahih [2]. It is said that before he placed a hadith in his collection, he would perform ghusl (fullgreater ritual ablution) and prayed two Rakah (Islamic unit for form of prayer) Nafl (voluntary prayer) to ask God for guidance.[4]

Sunnis believe that al-Bukhari finished his work in 846 CE (232 AH), and that he spent the last twenty-four years of his life visiting other cities and scholars, teaching the hadith he had collected. They say that in every city that he visited, thousands of people would gather in the main mosque to listen to him recite traditions. Regarding Western academic doubts as to the actual date and authorship of the book that bears his name, Sunni say that notable hadith scholars of that time, such as Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (855 CE/241 AH), Ibn Ma?n (847 CE/233 AH), and Ibn Mad?ni (848 CE/234 AH), all accepted the authenticity of his book [3] [4]. Thus, the collection's inmediate fame makes arguments regarding its being changed after the authors death highly improbable.

During this long period of twenty-four years, Bukhari made minor changes to his book, in particular its chapter headings. Each version is named by its narrator. According to Ibn Hajar Asqalani in his book Nukat, the number of hadiths in all narrations (versions) is the same. The most famous one today is the version narrated by al-Firabri (d. 932 CE/320 AH), who is a trusted student of Bukhari. Khatib al-Baghdadi in his book History of Baghdad had quoted Firabri saying: "There were about seventy thousands people who have heard Sahih Bukhari with me".

Firabri is not the only transmitter of Sahih al-Bukhari. There were many others that narrated that book to later generations, such as Ibrahim ibn Ma'qal (d. 907 CE/295 AH), Hammad ibn Shaker (d. 923 CE/311 AH), Mansur Burduzi (d. 931 CE/319 AH), and Husain Mahamili (d. 941 CE/330 AH). There are many books that noted differences between these versions; Fath al-Bari is the most famous among them.

Prominent Sunni scholars have writen comentaries on this collection, most notably Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar Asqalani.

teecharger: http://rapidshare.de/files/37049432/Sahih_Al_Bukhari__Hadith_.exe
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Nombre de messages : 190
Age : 36
Adress : narjis c fes
Emploi/loisirs : etudiant
Lieu D'etude : 3end ali
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2007

Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي& Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي&   Sahih Al Bukhari (Hadith) صحي& Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov - 14:14

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