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 TweakNow PowerPack Pro 2006

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Nombre de messages : 560
Age : 35
Adress : n° -00.23/51 ,3in 7arouda, Zouagha ,agadir, Botswana
Emploi/loisirs : Isla7 al3ajalat / Attwab
Lieu D'etude : circuits electroniques
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2007

TweakNow PowerPack Pro 2006 Empty
MessageSujet: TweakNow PowerPack Pro 2006   TweakNow PowerPack Pro 2006 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov - 5:02

TweakNow PowerPack Pro 2006 Tweak

TweakNow PowerPack is a fully-integrated suite of utilities that let you fine-tune every aspect of your computer's operating system and Web browser. The RAM Idle program manages the free memory that is available to run Windows programs. It prevents performance from degrading as you swap files and programs in and out of memory. The AutoShutdown program lets you suspend, hibernate, or shut down your computer after a specified period of time. In addition to saving resources, this program keeps your system more secure by making it unavailable to unauthorized people.TweakNow PowerPack 2006 Professional is a software that allows you to tweck programs. The CD AutoRun is an extension of Windows' CD and DVD autorun features, giving you additional options for starting programs or listening to music. The Virtual Desktop program lets you run as many as four custom-designed desktop configurations simultaneously, allowing you to tailor your computer screen to your mood and your work requirements. The suite gives you a complete picture of all aspects of your computer's hardware, including detailed information about your motherboard, processor, video card, memory, hard disk and network.

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